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Young Rheumatologist Group

Young Rheumatologist Group (YRG) Mission and Objectives are in harmony with those of the ArLAR objectives and bylaws:

  • Our Mission is to stimulate and promote excellence in awareness, knowledge, prevention and treatment of Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases

  • The YRG shall achieve its mission through the following objectives:

    • ​Inspiring young rheumatologists and medical trainees to be involved and committed to continuing medical education activities within the field of Rheumatology, through contributing in virtual or in-person educational activities such as (webinars, workshops, training). This is to be done in collaboration with ArLAR entities 

    • Advocate fellows in training and young rheumatologists to take energetic part in scientific research on Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases

    • Promote patient education and awareness activities

    • Contribute to efficient and quality practice of Rheumatology 

    • Collaborate and network with trainees in the International League of Associations for Rheumatology

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WhatsApp Image 2024-06-03 at 8.52.18 PM.jpeg

YRG Case #1

A 47 year old housewife presented with 4 months left buttock pain.

  • The pain was progressively worsened to the point that she was unable to walk.

  • The patient has no history of prior trauma, genitourinary problems or recent infection but she reported ovarian cystectomy 4 months ago.

  • Physical examination disclosed tenderness over left hip and pelvic compression elicited severe tenderness in Lt. SIJ.

  • ESR 81mm/hr, CRP 110 mg/dl

  • MRI showed

What is the next step in the management?

Answer: Start Antibiotics.

Anchor 1

See other Special Interest Groups

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