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Bilal Bengana, MD

Chairman of the Media Committee
Associate Professor in rheumatology at the Faculty of Medicine of Ziania -Algiers.
Head of rheumatology Inpatient unit at the University Hospital of Benimessous in Algiers
Founding member of the pain section of the Algerian Society of Rheumatology
Active member of the Algerian Anti-Rheumatism League

Mervat Eissa, MD

Associate Professor of Rheumatology
Cairo University

Walaa Abdelrahman, MD

Consultant of Rheumatology & Clinical Immunology Lecturer of Rheumatology & Clinical Immunology, Kasralainy Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt Organizer at Egyptian Society Of Rheumatic diseases.

Nizar AbdulLateef Jasim, MD

Chairman of the Scientific Committee
Sr. Consultant Rheumatologist
Professor of Medicine University of Baghdad / College of Medicine
President of Iraqi League for Bone and Joint Health
President of the Pan-Arab Osteoporosis Society

Asal Adnan, MD

Board Certified Rheumatologist
Working in Rheumatology unit, Department of Medicine, Baghdad Teaching Hospital, Medical City, Baghdad.
Member of Iraqi League for Bone & Joint Health

Basel Masri, MD

Sr. Consultant Rheumatologist, Jordan Hospital & Medical Center
Amman, Jordan
Secretary General of the Jordanian Society of Rheumatology - JSR
Treasurer of ArLAR

Bayan Bani Issa, MD

King Abdullah University Hospital- Jordan University of Science and Technology

Hebah A Al-Hajeri, MD

Consultant Internal Medicine and Rheumatology Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital , Kuwait
President of the Kuwait Association of Rheumatologists

Maha Anber, MD

Internist, Rheumatologist and Spondylitis Specialist
Jaber Al-Ahmad Hospital
Head of Media Committee
Kuwait Association of Rheumatologist

Nelly Ziade Zoghbi, MD, PhD, FRCP

Consultant Rheumatologist
Assistant Professor of Rheumatology Public Health and Epidemiology, Hotel-Dieu de France Hospital and Saint-Joseph University Beirut.

Soad Hashad, MD

PEDIATRICS consultant
Head of pediatrics rheumatology clinic - TRIPOLI CHILDREN HOSPITAL
Associate professor TRIPOLI UNIVERSITY
National coordinator of PRINTO ( pediatrics rheumatology international trial organization ) IN LIBYA
HEAD OF SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE In Libyan rheumatology society
Research coordinator in Libyan Medical council of specialty
Coordinator of residency program in Libyan Medical council of specialty

Ihsane Hmamouchi, MD, PHD

Rheumatologist, Biostatistician, Clinical Epidemiologist
Biostatistician, Clinical Epidemiologist, Centre Hospitalier Provincial Skhirat- Temara, Laboratory of Epidemiology and Clinical Research (LBRCE), Faculty of Medicine

Riad Eid, MD

Assistant Professor of Medicine and Rheumatology at Alquds University
Sr Consultant Rheumatologist and Internal Disease’s at Jericho hospital - Palestinian Ministry of Health. Jerusalem - Palestine
President of the Palestinian Rheumatology Society

Anas Muhanna, MD

Assistant Professor of medicine - Department of medicine Al-Quds University
Past President of the Palestinian Rheumatology Society

Rawan Subhi Sheikh Saleh, MD

Specialist Internal medicine
Specialist Rheumatology
Member of Royal college of physicians Internal medicine and and Rheumatology Member of Qatar Rheumatology society Hamad Medical Corporation Doha-Qatar

Hanan Al-Rayes, MD

Consultant Rheumatologist, Lupus subspecialty
Associate Professor King Faisal University, Medicine College
President of the Saudi Society for Rheumatology-SSR

Lina El Kibbi, MD

Founder of AAAA Group
Consultant Rheumatologist
Assistant Professor of Rheumatology in Alfaisal University, Rheumatology Consultant, Director Medical Academic Affairs, Specialized Medical Center.

Waleed Mahjoub, MD


Ahmed Yousif, MD

Consultant Rheumatologist Representative for Sudanese Rheumatology Society

Layla Kazkaz, MD

Sr. Consultant Rheumatologist, Damascus, Syria
President of the Syrian Association for Rheumatology-SAR

Widad Aji, MD

Head of the rheumatology department at Damascus hospital
Secretary general of the Syrian association for rheumatology
Member of the scientific council and member of the examination board of the locomotor system diseases at the ministry of health
Clinical instructor at the Syrian private university hospital

Ines Mahmoud, MD

Charles Nicolle Teaching Hospital
Faculty of Medicine of Tunis
Tunis El Manar University
Member of the tunisian anti-rheumatic League TUNISIA

Nejla Amri, MD

Associate professor in rheumatology at the Faculty of Medicine and the Farhad Hached university hospital center in Sousse
Coordinator of the certificate of complementary studies in immunotherapy of autoimmune and auto-inflammatory diseases at the Faculty of Medicine of Sousse
Member of the Tunisian league for the fight against rheumatism